Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Fundraising can be time-consuming and nerve-wracking. We make it easier by answering some of startup founders' most common questions.
  • What type of startups do you invest in?

    Our venture capital firm invests in B2B technology startups from the Seed to Series A stage based in the US and UK. We focus on the following sectors: ClimateTech, FinTech, MedTech, SpaceTech, and Enterprise Software.
  • What is your investment process, and what are the key criteria you look for in a potential investment?

    Our investment process involves several stages, including an initial review of the pitch deck and other materials, a meeting with the startup's founders, due diligence, and negotiation of the terms of the investment. The key criteria for a potential investment include a strong team, a clear value proposition, a large and growing market, and a scalable business model.
  • What is your track record in supporting startups after investment, and what resources do you provide beyond capital?

    We provide more than just capital investment to the startups we work with. We offer mentorship and support to help founders grow their companies, as well as access to our extensive network of industry contacts. We also provide operational support and strategic guidance to help our portfolio companies succeed.
  • What are the terms of your investment, and what kind of equity stake do you typically take in startups?

    The terms of our investment vary depending on the startup and its needs. However, we typically take a significant equity stake in the companies we invest in and negotiate fair and equitable terms for both parties.
  • What is the typical size of investment you make in early-stage startups?

    The size of our investment varies depending on the startup and its needs, but we typically invest between $25,000 and $250,000 in early-stage companies.
  • How long does it typically take for you to make a decision on an investment?

    The time it takes to decide on an investment varies depending on the startup and its needs. However, we typically respond to initial inquiries within a few weeks and aim to decide within 2-3 months.
  • Do you have any specific geographic or industry focus when it comes to investing?

    While we invest in various industries, we focus on the technology sector. We also prioritize companies that are headquartered in the US and UK.
  • What is the best way to approach you with a potential investment opportunity, and what materials should I prepare for the initial pitch?

    The best way to approach us with a potential investment opportunity is to visit our website and follow the application process outlined on our 'Contact Us' page. We typically require a pitch deck and other materials to assess your startup's potential. Be sure to focus on the key criteria for a potential investment, including a strong team, a clear value proposition, a large and growing market, and a scalable business model.
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